Love Parts the Curtain
The Prayerful Life No. 145
Jan 27, 2015 |
All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs We Share One Life, We Are One Life
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*Temple Phimai Thailand. ♥siebe ©. Flickr
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The Friend waits silently, Inside
In Quietude summoning the Heart
Listening for the sound of footsteps
Waiting your entrance again
For Love alone parts the curtains
before the awakened Heart
to a sacred Intercourse, always as though for the first time
*Brian K. Wilcox. "Love Parts the Curtains." March 8.2011.
Love includes all loves. All revelations of Love, in whatever form, arise to draw us back into Love. We cannot select between a holy or unholy love. Love is Love. We do not get to choose, as though we can control Love. Love is free to be Itself, for Love is Grace and Grace is Love. Love seeks to captivate us, to free us from false loves, which are not Love or revelations of Love. The Silence, alive, is Love, so Love is living, is alive, is Life. The Formless takes form to love and be loved, for Love to be Love, to be loves. Religion, at its best, is simply a form for Love. However, Love does not prefer religious forms above other forms. Our destiny is to transcend religion, not to reject it, but to embrace Love in all life, all expressions of Grace as natural, neither religious nor spiritual, or other than these. In Silence I know Love and am known by and in Love; this Silence is everywhere.
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We are each a lovely Rose in the Garden of Grace.
*... Blue Rose, Uwe Dörnbrack, Flickr
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You